Career Exploration Fellowship
The CAPD Career Exploration Fellowship helps currently enrolled MIT undergraduates (first years, sophomores, juniors and seniors returning to MIT for a graduate degree) complete domestic underfunded experiences within the following industry areas: non-profits, creative or design fields, journalism, sustainability, environmental services, or other research opportunities not affiliated with MIT. Funds are intended to help offset expenses incurred by completing the experience (ex: living or transportation expenses).
Applicants can request funds within the following ranges:
$3,000-5,000 - Underfunded summer opportunities (6 or more weeks in duration)
$1,000-$3,000 - Underfunded summer opportunities (5 weeks or less in duration)
What do you need to apply?
- Offer letter from a host organization that fits within the eligible industry areas
- Answers to short answer questions
- Resume
- Internship Budget (see template). Make a copy of the template in Google docs (select File -> make a copy) and include a link of your completed budget in your short answer responses. The resources tab on template has cost estimates for key cities.
Application Instructions
Combine your responses to the short answer questions with the offer letter from your host organization into one PDF and upload it to Handshake. Also, include the link to your budget in the PDF. Separately, upload your resume.
Short answer questions:
- Describe the organization and the project you will be working on. Explain how the experience fits within the eligible industry areas. Share the company name and website
- How many weeks is the experience? How many hours per week?
- What compensation (if any) are you receiving? Types of compensation can include a stipend, hourly rate, housing, or transportation. Specify the type and amount if possible.
- Discuss how this experience will help you explore your career goals (maximum 250 words)
- Specify the amount you are requesting. How will the amount you're requesting help you complete this experience? (maximum 250 words)
- Is there anything else we should know about you?
Guidance for International Students
Undergraduate international students completing an off campus summer internship or research experience (even if receiving funding through the Career Exploration Fellowship) must receive off-campus work authorization (CPT, OPT, or AT) before they can begin the experience.
According to immigration regulations students must have off campus authorization (CPT, OPT, AT) to engage in practical training activities that are off campus. This includes instances that are unpaid or underfunded opportunities. Please plan accordingly to secure authorization on time before the start of your Career Exploration Fellowship.
International students are strongly encouraged to first review the ISO’s information on employment for information on the process of applying for CPT/OPT/AT and contact their ISO advisor with any follow-up questions regarding their eligibility to complete the CEF experience.
Contact Tavi Sookhoo - tsookhoo@mit.edu.
Questions about writing the application? Use Handshake to schedule an appointment with a CAPD career advisor.
Additional details are found on CAPD's website